What is Jubilee?
Jubilee Fellowship serves the 50+ age range of Cornerstone Church. Our goal is to be a warm and welcoming ministry where we can grow towards the Lord, as well as in community with each other! We strive to create a fellowship that is fun and refreshing, while also being a place to encourage one another, as well as pray and minister to one another.

About Us
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Jubilee holds quarterly events such as Game Nights, Movie Nights, and an annual Christmas Dinner Party. In some seasons, we also host a Bible study. Our events provide a wonderful opportunity to get connected, develop friendships, and enjoy fellowship together in both planned events, and encourage continuing to develop connections beyond events.
Why Jubilee?
The name for “Jubilee” is derived from Leviticus chapter 25 verses 9-30. The Jubilee is a one year period that comes every fifty years. It is a year of liberty; a year of freedom when all debts are canceled and the debtors can return to their own property and family. It is a year when there is no sowing or reaping and the
Lord causes the land to yield on its own. It is a time that the people can live in safety. It is a time of celebration and freedom!
Lord causes the land to yield on its own. It is a time that the people can live in safety. It is a time of celebration and freedom!
Jubilee Fellowship is an appropriate name for the ministry that represents our congregation’s fifty plus year old members as we enjoy the freedom from the power of sin and death that God has given us through His son Jesus Christ. It also reminds us of the rest we have in Him. The year of Jubilee is announced by the sound of the trumpet. We know from the New Testament that the sound of the trumpet will announce the second coming of Jesus. (1 Thessalonian 4:16) Therefore, the Jubilee title reminds us of the eternal liberty we have promised in the New Testament through Christ Jesus.

About me
Carlene Kopchak leads our Jubilee Ministry in which she seeks to engage & serve the 50-and-up crowd of our congregation. She also serves Cornerstone as our Bookkeeper/Treasurer making sure Cornerstone is a faithful steward of the resources with which God has entrusted us. She retired from the corporate world after working many years in the accounting departments of small to mid-sized companies and was only “supposed” to be on our team for a short period of time. God had other plans, showing her that she was called to this position to use her given talents & abilities for His purpose, so for over 10 years she has remained on our team. She and her husband, Andy, have been married for over 50 years, and have a son, a daughter, 4 grandchildren and 1 great child. Andy also serves as a member of our board & takes care of many of our building's maintenance needs. . She also leads our L.A.N.D. ministry, which is a ministry that reaches out to our local community to assist with specific needs. Carlene enjoys reading, watching movies and LOVES anything chocolate. She grew up in a house on Long Island Sound and continues to feel drawn to the water for quiet walks on the beach.