The Land Initiative

Local Area Needs Deuteronomy 15:7-8

The LAND initiative is an outreach ministry that services the local communities that surround Cornerstone. LAND is a fund raising drive designed to show the love of Christ for those in need in the local community. 

More about LAND

What assistance does land provide?

LAND primarily provides for heating assistance, with a focus on assisting as many families in the local community as possible. LAND also targets families who applied for assistance, but were rejected due to being slightly over the income threshold.

How much has land donated in the past?

Cornerstone and its congregants have very generously supported LAND in the past, with it being able to raise and distribute over $150,000 in benevolence to the local community.

How does Land Locate Recipients?

LAND works with a few local agencies to locate recipients, including TEAM in Derby (who serves Oxford, Seymour, and Derby), New Opportunities in Waterbury (who serves Beacon Falls, Naugatuck, Prospect, etc.), and Southbury Social Services and Fuel Bank. These agencies locate families to receive support. 

What can you do to help?

LAND accepts donations year-round, but we do a push in November to raise money. One way to support LAND is also to pray! Pray that the gospel message that goes to every recipient will be received, and for the families that are receiving the support.

Get involved with land!

LAND donations are always active! All donations will be allocated after the LAND Initiative ends in November, where we work with our partners mentioned above to locate and support families in need over the winter months. If you aren't able to support LAND Financially, you can also support Land by praying for the program, and the families that will be receiving assistance.